The Slow Synonym. Here you use the antonyms for slow. 1 creeping dawdling deliberate easy lackadaisical laggard lagging lazy leaden leisurely loitering measured plodding ponderous slow-moving sluggardly sluggish tortoise-like unhurried.

Sluggish lazy as slow as molasses in January laggard slow-paced drowsy dilatory gradual torpid ultra-slow phlegmatic and more. What are synonyms for The Slow Wonder. Here you use the antonyms for slow.
Medication slowed the patients heart rate.
Medication slowed the patients heart rate. 1 creeping dawdling deliberate easy lackadaisical laggard lagging lazy leaden leisurely loitering measured plodding ponderous slow-moving sluggardly sluggish tortoise-like unhurried. Sentences with slow. Some common synonyms of slow are delay detain retard and slacken.