The Slow Mo Guys. He was potty trained in 1990 at the ago of two and he said his very first swear word in 1994 at the age of six. I was such a massive fan of mythbusters when it was on.

They use a Phantom Flex camera and they upload a new video every 12 weeks. The Slow Mo guys is very heavily influenced by mythbusters. Please check back later or browse on Shopify instead.
Flames water streams exploding watermelons and even a point blank paintball shot are no match for the Slow Mo Guys.
It is the largest high-speed video channel on YouTube with over 12 million subscribers. Gav and Dan take on the world in Slow Motion. The Slow Mo Guys often abbreviated as SMG is an ongoing long running Rooster Teeth Live action Streamy Award-winning science and technology entertainment YouTube channel Web series featuring extreme slow motion montage videos created presented and run by a duo of British YouTubers and pranksters Gavin Free and his friend Dan Gruchy. The Slow Mo Guys is a web series created by Gavin Free and Daniel Guchy also known as Gav and DanIt is a science and technology entertainment show that consists of a wide variety of things filmed in extreme slow motion using a range of Vision Research Phantom high-speed cameras capable of shooting over 380000 frames per second.