The Slow Animal. In the animal kingdom it can be dangerous to be a slow-moving creature. Sloths may be the slowest land animals but Sea Anemones are even slower.

Then it strikes with lightning speed it stands upright grabbing a brand with its feet and throws its body forward to nab its prey with both hands reports Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. The slow loris Nycticebus bengalensis has the face of an adorable stuffed animal but a toxic bite a trait thats unique among primates and rarely found among mammals. Sea Anemone Anemones act as homes to small shrimp that use the anemone as a base station for cleaning parasites off of reef fish which leads to larger and healthier fish populations.
Three-toed sloths wont move farther than 100 feet in a day meaning that they are much tied to a unique place.
Three-toed sloths wont move farther than 100 feet in a day meaning that they are much tied to a unique place. Slow lorises genus Nycticebus are strepsirrhine primates and are related to other living lorisoids such as slender lorises Loris pottos Perodicticus false pottos Pseudopotto angwantibos Arctocebus and galagos family Galagidae and to the lemurs of Madagascar. The Sloth is the slowest animal in the world and the name sloth is actually a synonym of slow motion. Sloths may be the slowest land animals but Sea Anemones are even slower.