Sky House. Sky House BSD Apartment dibangun seluas 83 ha berlokasi di jantung CBD-BSD memiliki tower yang ber-sebelahan langsung dengan AEON MALL sebagai mall terbesar di Tangerang. Dekat dengan layanan kesehatan seperti Rumah Sakit Eka Hospital Medika BSD Rumah Sakit Mitra Keluarga.

Buzz around a huge house and find special keys to unlock the doors. Skyhouse is a mod and website that has been in development for the past few months. Being a part of this context the construction of Sky House takes place in the middles of numerous skyscrapers built close together which brings the.
Their showroom and design spaces are spread over two spacious storeys.
4 No 4-bed townhouses. - Chroma on the mod if using SBA version 160 - Access to cool-chat. In Indonesia we are committed to combining Rislands leading design concepts with the needs of local customers and proud to offer the topnotch apartment product line Sky House which has been on the Indonesian market for 2 years. The Sky Houses high-profile residents made it the epicenter of pro Smash in California.