Orchard House Quilt Pattern. Click on the dog to see my Etsy shop where I still have a few OOP books for sale. Orchard house 35141-1 -sale.

From United States Customs services and international tracking provided. This is a DIGITAL PATTERN. Lets make awesome quilts together.
Krisanne Watkins designs intricate patchwork blocks that work together to create quilts in the best of quilting tradition and Orchard House is no exception.
Orchard Mini Charm Pack includes 42 25 square cuts. Add to Favorites Beautiful Windham Fabrics Orchard House Pattern-Priced Per 12 Yd RobinsSewingKorner 5 out of 5 stars 744 800. 24070 PP Orchard Charm Pack Quilting Fabric Charm Pack Moda WarmMeadowsFabrics 5 out of 5 stars 2053 999. Gala Mini Quilt Pattern by April Rosenthal for Prairie Grass Patterns.