Orchard House Lydd. Orchard House Surgery in Bleak Road Lydd. Orchard House Surgery has come bottom of a list in a patient satisfaction survey of the 200 GP practices overseen by the Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group CCG.

Orchard House is one of the leading GP practice in Lydd and it is located at Bleak Road Lydd Kent TN29 9AEPatients can contact Orchard House at 01797 320307 for appointments. The CQC inspection team was led by an experienced inspector and supported by a second inspector who spoke with staff using video conferencing facilities alongside the site visit. Find out about the main symptoms of coronavirus and what to do if you or your child has them.
You can contact this general practice using the phone number 01797 320307.
Surname rating. It is the CCGs priority to make sure that all patients who are registered at Orchard House Surgery can continue to access a full range of GP services at the surgery after this date. If youre the provider who runs this service. Orchard House are proud to be part of Invicta Health CIC and are a branch surgery of Birchington Medical Practice.