Orchard House Gp. 201718 Mean earnings for all GPs in practice 5792285 Total Number of Full Time GPs 1 Total Number of Part Time GPs 3 Total Number of staff GPs 0 Total. Orchard House Prescriptions Appointments Phone Contact Details Orchard House is a GPDoctors practice in Lydd.

Weve packed it full of useful information in a very easy to use format with the added benefit of several online functions. According to the data released from the 2021 GP Patient Survey. Orchard House are proud to be part of Invicta Health CIC and are a branch surgery of Birchington Medical Practice.
Orchard House Surgery is a purpose-built surgery in Newmarket Suffolk.
GP Surveyors have worked for Orchard House Surgery since 2007 carrying out several Notional Rent reviews and gaining the practice a significant increase in reimbursement. A GP surgery in Lydd has been rated the worst in the county by its own patients when it comes to satisfaction. You can contact this general practice using the phone number 01638 666887. You can contact this general practice using the phone number 01797 320307.