Mako Eyes. In the late 1980s and early 1990. Mako cuts the time to a couple months at most.

Tasman centre Fetuli Paea is one of a bunch of injured Mako players. The pace of the jokes and all the good expressions in the first half really grabbed my attention with SKMS. This is my first time handling urethane eyes so I cant say how they compare to pricier eyes but I can say that their quality is way superior than silicone or glass eyes.
We were one of the first if not the first local Brands to introduce Polarised Lens technology and continue to be 100 Australian owned.
Monsters can be affected by natural mako springs that well up from the soil or lately monsters have been produced through Shinras experiments. We were one of the first if not the first local Brands to introduce Polarised Lens technology and continue to be 100 Australian owned. This is my first time handling urethane eyes so I cant say how they compare to pricier eyes but I can say that their quality is way superior than silicone or glass eyes. The longfin mako shark very much resembles the shortfin mako shark but has larger pectoral fins dark rather than pale coloration around the mouth and larger eyes.