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Lady In Waiting. Architect Brandon Ingram and designer Mallory Mathison Glenn team up to feather a resplendent empty nest in Griffin Georgia. Find another word for lady-in-waitingIn this page you can discover 11 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for lady-in-waiting like.
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Female attendant de una reina camarera nf nombre femenino. He tries to warn her about him but she treats his suspicions as jealousy. With Peter Falk Susan Clark Jessie Royce Landis Richard Anderson.
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Lady Anne Glenconner has written about her life with the Queens sister Princess Margaret in her memoir Lady in. A lady of the court attending or waiting upon a queen or princess. N pl ladies-in-waiting a lady of a royal household who attends a queen or princess Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged 12th Edition 2014. Lady in Waiting.