Cat Proof Your House. Whether yours nibbles on your plants because he craves fiber enjoys the taste or seeks a digestive aid cat-proofing is essential to his safety. How to Cat-Proof Your Home.

Cats are smart and can learn to open cabinets so store household chemicals and poisons like anti-freeze in a cabinet that has a lock or child-proof latch. There are plenty of cat-safe house plants for your house tiger to play jungle in but the list of toxic plants is long as well. Curiosity can kill or at least injure your cat.
Cats will be cats and they might not ever leave your plants in peace.
Lilies highly toxic Peace lily. Cover electrical cords to prevent chewing and if possible unplug them when not in use. Cat-proofing your home has two goals. If Felix is an indoor cat move your plants to the yard so he cant munch on.