Blackrock Vs Vanguard. The report shows that Vanguard owns 772 of Pfizer while BlackRock remains in possession of 467 of the company. The TDF market is valued at roughly 28 trillion overall according to Morningstar data.

Although BlackRock has a higher figure for assets under management The Vanguard Group is the largest shareholder of BlackRock shares. They manage close to 15 billion. BlackRock funds are cheaper to invest in while Vanguard tends to be more on the higher side share price wise.
The TDF market is valued at roughly 28 trillion overall according to Morningstar data.
Vanguard is more known for their broad market and all-in-one ETFs when compared with iShares. The smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Vanguards engagement distribution has a heavier weighing in the mid-range than BlackRock. At Pfizer the ownership is reversed with Vanguard being the top investor and BlackRock the second-largest stockholder.