Blackrock Depth. With 14 boss encounters some encounters have more than one boss expect to spend at least an hour clearing it. To pick up this quest go to Stormwind City.

The subject of this article was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 403a. The NPC panel has been upgraded to allow some specific filtering you can. Location Blackrock Depths within Classic World Of Warcraft.
Blackrock Depths is reached from the Meeting Stone by going through the doorways you can see in the picture down steps and ramps following a walkway that spirals around the outside of the central pillar of rock and then crossing the chain that hangs over the lava.
Several minions of the Firelord Ragnaros also make their home in these lava-lined depths. Welcome to the new pet dungeon. Once at the bottom it is a quick run past the mobs in The Grinding Quarry and. Several minions of the Firelord Ragnaros also make their home in these lava-lined depths.