Black Rockfish. Black Rockfish are mottled grey and black with a black spot on the back of the spiny dorsal fin. As adults they may have dark stripes visible on the head extending from the eye across the gill cover.

Species 9 Black Rockfish. This species is dark grey to black. It is considered to be a pelagic species but may also be found at the bottom and near the surface of open water and may even break the surface when after prey.
My first saltwater fish a Black Rockfish was also my second third and fourth saltwater fish.
In black rockfish the upper jaw extends to or past the rear of the eye and the anal fin is rounded. Black rockfish are an opportunistic predatory fish that typically feed in the water column on zooplankton Dungeness crab larvae Cancer magister syn. They are found in great numbers along the Oregon Washington British Columbia and Alaskan coast. My first saltwater fish a Black Rockfish was also my second third and fourth saltwater fish.